Thursday, February 22, 2007

So your sheep wear pajamas. Interesting.

As I was sitting in my local Subway listening to the thumping beat of Erasure, I decided to take pity in myself as I sat down to eat my assorted meat, vegitables, and fruit wrapped in a warm bun. As it started to rain heavier, I cussed, then the woman at the counter gave me a stare that meant "get the fuck out of my fast food franchise before your self-pity drowns us all." So naturally, I gave her a look that said, "thank you Buddha (he's my religious icon for the week), for putting such excellent, voluptuous bosoms on my sandwich preparator {pre·par·a·tor (pr-pr-tr, -pâr-) n. One who prepares specimens or exhibits for scientific study or display, as in a museum.}[yes, my footlong sandwich is considered an exhibit, I mean with those breas...erm, I mean pieces of bacon, it's fiiiinnne]

So as I exited the Subway, into the torrent of rainfall and bad drivers, I decided that I would go and buy pain numbing pills (as a quick side story, one of the bad drivers in my city of traffic circles decided to go 60km/h around one, and he bumped, no, COMPLETELY FUCKED my right wrist*ahem, composure Ryan, you can do it!*) Skip about 10 minutes of dodging more cars and water droplets(the droplets would just not move, I don't know what their problem is, seriously) I made my way into the sub-pharmacy (because the real pharmacy was closed. Lazy, good for nothing minimum wage employees!) and looked for pain pills. Now, on my list of pills, I require something with "ine" at the end, obviously morphine is out of the question, since some bastard things people get addicted to it (shakes violently). So, codeine is what I had to settle for, however, apparently it's a prescription drug, so I couldn't get it in the bloody grocery store (at this point, I was ready to commit suicide, but baby Tylenol just wasn't going to do it for me), so naturally, I picked up the strongest weak drugs I could get, some pr0n magazines, and pacifier to bite down on when I get scared of the boogey man.

So, you ask, what was the point of that story, and why were you bathing in your own pity? Because my parents don't want me leeching off of them, so I have to move out in a week and a bit, but as a great friend named Paul pointed out, a lazy Uni student needs at least 6 weeks to find a place to live, now I'm a much less common denominator than a Uni student, I'm a prospective Uni student. See the difference? I think the italics do a good job in pointing it out.

Anyway, after much arguing with my Father, I got a whole extra day to search! YES! SCORE!

In a quick changing of topics, I am now staff at a website called HeavenGames. I know what you're thinking, "Ryan, how could you join a site that obviously likes people who believe in Heaven, you're a Buddhist switching Scientologist (in about 5 minutes) fundie!"

I know, I know. But I just couldn't resist the chance to have my name be Purple, and actually have it the colour purple. That's totally why I did it, no questions about that. (unless of course it's one of the higher ups. I did it because the voices told me to, that's what you want to hear, right?)

Since I'm publishing everything I'm thinking, I have absolutely no idea what to write, it's obviously going to be the same drivel as what I've already written, in that case, why are you still reading, I don't think I've actually considered or read a word that I've typed so far. In fact, I've been watching Heroes this WHOLE TIME (awesome show by the way, watch it. Along with Scrubs and House)

So, it turns out I need sleep, because I have to catch up on a day of HTML coding in 4 hours tomorrow morning. I BID YOU GOODNIGHT!

Purple/Xiphias/Ryan/That guy you think you know, but you really don't, because he has hidden feelings for you, are they good? You'll never know.

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