Saturday, April 28, 2007

Creating a blog you say? Writing you say? Drunk you Say? Ahhh.

Hey hey all. Once again, I'm back in the mood to create a post (rare, I know). Lots to talk about of course, but without trying to be completely verbose about it, I'm moving back to Canadaland. Explaining why this is more exciting than when I came to Australia is extremely difficult, as people don't really understand. The main reasons for going back are these 3.

  • Friends: I've been missing them a lot, it's hard to function in Canberra, as everyone is very uptight and cliquey. There are certain people I miss more than others, you know who you are.
  • School: I have conditional acceptance into a school in Calgary, so I look forward to getting back into the studying game, and getting a degree finally.
  • Sex, booze, cheap computer parts and world domination: Self-explanatory really.

As I type this, I am highly inebriated as I've been drinking my rationed alcohol that's been in store for a while. I went shopping 30 minutes ago, that was interesting, and I ended up picking up a 6 pack of Grolsch, can't say it's that good.

As I am going back to Calgary, I've put in my resignation at work, I'm not sure that they are terribly impressed about it, and I feel terrible for doing so to them (as my coworker is also quitting) but I think I need to be selfish, and to care about what my direction in life is right now. So basically, screw them. That said, I still have 3 weeks to go, and I need to work extra hard to get a bloody reference letter :frr:

My life has suddenly got quite exciting (well for me, the majority of you couldn't care less, probably). I am finally going to school, I bought a new laptop finally, girls seem to be lying down for me (and so do guys, seriously, what's up with that? I mean, I don't mind being hit on by guys, but SO many of them) and I'm just generally excited that I'll have a proper social life once again. I am a Seraph(webmaster) at Heaven Games, My "Heaven" for the game Spore has not opened yet, but I am excited about building up its community. Right now I'm just wondering around the site creating a mess for everyone. (sorry :P)

Man, content is tight tonight, I've honestly got nothing. So far today, I woke up to the words "HELP ME!" as an entire curtain fell on my Dad, and I needed to help him get it back up. Then they took of to Sydney to get their new car (they are due back soon) and I've been drinking/talking to people (I even sang Bananaphone to someone). and then shopping, and more drinking, of course.

Tomorrow is going to suck a bit, I have to get my passport application in (if some of you don't know, I hold dual-citizenship with Canada and Australia, and I lost both passports on my way from Canada into the States when coming here last year). So I have to get a cop to sign my forms, and then submit them to the Canadian High Commission here in Canberra. My work doesn't know about this, but they sure will at 11am tomorrow morning when I finish all of this stupid bureaucratic paperwork!

Anyway, that's it for now. I must clean up my mess.

Peace people!